The Sagacity Institute
The Sagacity Institute is dedicated to educating the next generation of global leaders in Future Skills.
“Did You Know 2025?” says we must “prepare students for industries yet to exist, to use technologies yet to be invented, and to solve problems not yet identified.” That is the goal of the Sagacity Institute.
My global teaching, executive experience, and ability to “connect the dots” enable me to show students how to see beyond the horizon.
The Sagacity Institute will teach high school and gap year students online beginning after Christmas and onsite this summer in more than a dozen cities throughout the U.S. and around the world.
It is said that one percent of the people in the world make things happen, nine percent of people watch things happen, and 90 percent say, “What happened?”
How do you become a member of that one percent who makes things happen?’ You need sagacity. Dictionaries define sagacity as keen judgment and acute discernment, but how can you get a jump start on sagacity? Future Skills.
Future skills are not designed to prepare bright students to get into the college of their dreams or excel in their collegiate studies, although they will certainly do that. Future skills aim higher.
Technology is changing everything, but it is not the silver bullet. Artificial intelligence and other technologies are transformational, but they are only pieces of the puzzle. Future leaders must learn how to use these tools effectively, profitably, sustainably, collaboratively, and wisely.
Critical thinking, digital and data literacy, creativity, adaptability, and cultural intelligence are examples of the future skills necessary for tomorrow’s leaders.
Future skills are foundational to succeeding in whatever path someone chooses. This is the ticket to becoming a member of the one percent who will make things happen in the years ahead. It is time to get onboard.